Sunkissed English Springer Spaniel and Cardigan Corgi Breeders



Sunkissed Storm Across The Galaxy SIN SEN

"Pippin Karsai"


Cardigan Corgi image: Sunkissed Storm Across The Galaxy SIN SEN  Cardigan Corgi image: Sunkissed Storm Across The Galaxy SIN SEN

 (GCH Redbuds across the universe x Ch Pecan Valley Sunkissed Ice Storm)


Pippin and mom Liza just finished their novice scent work interior and exterior.

He also has earned scores in novice elite title.

Congratulations to a great team!

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Cathy & Joe Baker

2906 SW 96th Street

Stuart, FL 34997

(772) 220-4348


Web Graphics by Joe Baker

Website updated & maintained by Linda Macdonald

Please do not copy photos or content without written permission.